The children arriving at school before changing into their school uniforms.
Our New Year wish to the School & Everyone.
..and here are the children, changed into uniforms & ready for assembly !
Children and parents listening to end of term speeches and exam results. It was touch and go but cyclone Chido passed with the school intact!
Some well deserved end of term goodies supplied by the school director and funded by our supporters.
This is Dolla , the school director giving our festive good wishes to the village Chief and his staff.
The exterior repainting project has finished. The interiors of the classrooms are now being decorated.
The children are, of course, invited to put their own finishing artworks on the newly decorated walls!
The baking kiln is built from the unfired bricks. Wood is then ignited to fire the bricks.
This is how the bricks look after firing. They now have a more familiar look about them as building materials!
The exterior repainting project is nearly finished. There are two blocks that are painted white and blue: 1) The pre-school and school offices block, and 2) standard 7 & 8, the final year's block.
These are the two blocks, recently repainted, which house the classroms for standard 1 to standard 6
I think you'll agree they look very smart !
The next major project is the building of a school kitchen. All children and staff receive a free daily meal of maize and beans.
This is the kiln which will fire the building bricks for the kitchen.
Security at our school becomes an issue. All the gaps between the blocks have now been bricked-up which will stop anyone getting in , and any children getting out ! There will now be a single entry/exit to the school.
When I went to Malawi in Sepember, I realised that the hot dust weather takes it's toll on our buildings. We are starting the repainting of all classroom blocks. This will attract more children to enrol
We have a "sponsor me" programme in operation at the school. This seeks to recruit UK sponsors who, for £10 per month, is helping sponsor the childs schooling, uniform and text books
This is Eunice Justin. She is 6 years old and is on the Martin Academy "sponsor me" programme. You can sponsor Eunice or other children on the sponsor list by clicking here.
The Cumbrian Overseas Aid Trust/ The Dumas Family/ Colne Engaine PCC/ The Harrington Family/ TM LifeCoaching/ Pete Collins & all of the sponsors of individual children.
When I went to Malawi in Sepember, I took a huge supply of brand new T- Shirts for the children at the Martin Academy.
I hadn't realised that the school PTA were going to print the T-shirts with the school motto: "PreparingOur Children For Great Achievments"
The front of the T-shirts were printed with the School logo...and here's some of the children modelling them for us!
The Cumbrian Overseas Aid Trust/ The Dumas Family/ Colne Engaine PCC/ The Harrington Family/ TM LifeCoaching/ Pete Collins & all of the sponsors of individual children.
September 2024
The school started back on 16th September
Terry visited on 18th September 2024
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The start of my wonderful visit to the Martin Academy.
The children were resplendant in their yellow and red uniforms.
This is me addressing the whole school.
A strategy meeting with Dolla, the Martin Academy director.
This is the pre-school children during a maths lesson.
Here is a picture of standard 1 maths lesson.
Chief Chiwembe and entourage looked on when I spoke to the school.
Here is a photo of parents with books bought for Std. 1 & 2
Whilst in Malawi I couln't resist a walking safari- here with a Giraffe
And here, posing with Zebra... The end of a wonderful school visit !
Our 2024 main sponsors for The Martin Academy are: The Cumbrian Overseas Aid Trust. The Dumas Family. Colne Engaine PCC. The Harrington Family. TM LifeCoaching + all of the sponsors of individual children.
Some of the children practicing deportment with bottles on their heads! Exercises such as this ensure that our children can hold their heads high in knowedge that they are future fine ambassadors for our wonderful school.
We are so proud to have El Shaddai as the Martin Academy flagship school ! The staff at the school- all of the teachers, carers and above all the director, Dolla Blanzio work tirelessly to make this a school of excellence.
One of the younger children with his "prize" on his head ! Here we can see the school director Dolla, awarding this child with their achievement prize. The oher children and staff look on in admiration.
These photographs show the near completion of the new classroom block. The roof sheets have now been fixed and the task of plastering the internal and external walls is well underway...
.... we still will need to finance desks, paint for the walls, flooring and chalk boards. The primary school curriculum is changing which means new core curriculum textbooks will also be needed.
The last day of the summer term. Above is a photo of Dolla, the school director at the end of year graduation ceremony -what a great year it has been. Excellent results in the exams from the children and a very happy school !
The end of year graduation of the Martin Academy learners. The children look wonderful in their colourful robes. The parents and carers look on with pride at their children's great achievments !
This is a wonderful picture of the younger children in their graduation robes. They deserve their places as the up and coming mainstream learners.
Note that many in this picture are girls.. 60% of all learners at the school are girls!
This photograph shows the near completion of the new classroom block. The roof sheets have now been fixed and the next task will be plastering the internal and external walls...getting there!
.... we still will need to finance desks, paint for the walls, flooring and chalk boards. The primary school curriculum is changing which means new core curriculum textbooks will also be needed.
June 2024
Towards the end of June all the school children went on a school trip to a play area in Blantyre.
This type of day out is very special to the children !
The children ( and adults !) enjoying a ride on the train- I think its just the picture angle that makes it look as though its chuffing uphill !
The children all grouping together prior to having their lunch and then descending on the play park !
The hanging and swinging and revolving vertical merry go round carriages..( rather them than me !)
Some of the happy children giving a wave to all our amazing sponsors and funders of the Martin Academy . El Shaddai school
The building of the block which will be the classrooms for standard 7 and 8 is taking shape nicely! All of our fundraising efforts are going into this project due for opening September 2024
Most of the primary brickwork is completed. Here is the start of fitting roof timers. These items are fully funded and completion of their installaion will be late June.
A picture of the primary completed brickwork and the roofing timbers- next will be the affixing of the metal roof sheets.
Completion will definitely be by September 2024!
Here are the first of the metal roofing sheets to be installed. These will soon exend to the ends of the class block and be continued on the otherside of the roof....
.... we still will need to finance desks, paint for the walls, flooring and chalk boards. As the progression towards secondary education draws closer, core curriculum textbooks in order for exam studies will also be essential !
May 2024
The building of the block which will be the classrooms for standard 7 and 8 is taking shape nicely! All of our fundraising efforts are going into this project due for opening September 2024
Most of the primary brickwork is completed. Next will be the fitting of roofing timbers and metal sheets. These items are fully funded and will be available for installation in early June.
Here is a picture of the primary completed brickwork. Next the roofing will be affixed- looks to be on schedule for completion by September 2024 . However we will need to raise funds for equipping the new classblock...
... we need to finance desks, paint for the walls, flooring and chalk boards. As the progression towards secondary education draws closer, core curriculum textbooks in order for exam studies will also be essential.
April 2024
The school's third term started on 15th April. Here is the Martin Academy director addressing members of the PTA informing them of the terms events. The building plans for standard 7 and 8 classrooms were approved.
The foundations being measured, excavated and hardcore quarry stone being added to the bedding for the brickwork. The builders work very hard for which we are grateful. The little girl in the backbround is overseeing things !!
The outline brickwork for the new block taking shape nicely! There have been violent storms in part of Malawi recently and the origininal plans for the new school block have been adjusted to allow for excess waters to be safely diverted.
The brickwork for the first couple of walls is going up well. As can be seen from the photograph, the school is situated in quite a rural area which is beneficial for the children who are not, as a resul, subjected to car fumes!
The school held another quiz night and debate. Here is a young member of the winning team receiving their prize.
During the month there was a football and netball match arranged with a neighbouring school. The players here are being briefed!
Here is one of the football matches in progress. Not quite world cup standard..but getting there!
Part of the first delivery of cement financed from our fundraising. The structure of block 4 will begin in April !
February 2024
February 2024. Our fundraising starts for the building of the last two classrooms (block 4) for standards 7 & 8
Its a lengthy, labour intensive project, starting with foundations and going on from there.
The bricks have already been funded and here they are ready to build the final structure
Here's an archive photo of one of the previous blocks we have built showing the hard manual work that goes into the project
January 2024
From 2023, the children and parents enjoying the last day of term activities .. January 2024 and the parents and carers being welcomed and informed by Dolla, the Martin Academy Director.
Its clearly a bit wet in Malawi in January ! as can be seen from this photo. However, it doesnt stop the information programme going ahead!
December 2023
"Careers day" was a success. Here are children as Soldiers..
.. as Nurses.. Lawyers and businessmen !
On 22nd December the teachers and carers at Martin Academy..
Celebrated the end of the Winter school term... Here's to a great Spring Term !
November 2023
One of the highlights in November was a quiz night held jointly with a nearby school.
The Martin Academy children, in their colourful school unform, were applauded by the appreciative by the audience
Here we see the Master of Ceremonies for the event announcing the winners and distributing the prizes
Our recently appointed qualified teacher: Mr Geoffrey Julio. Geoffrey will be teaching Standard 5 children.
This is the school's director, Dolla, getting to grips with the new laptop computer donated from UK fundraisers.
A decision has been made to commence building the standard 7 classroom during 2024. Here we see workmen engaged in moulding the bricks.
September 2023
This is the new Standard 6 teacher.
His name is Mr Henderson Mbewe. He is a highly qualified teacher chosen from a broad range of applicants for the position. We have to inform you
that Mcnevers, the school's erstwhile head teacher, has moved to an alternative school. The Martin Academy would like to thank him for his input into our school.
The first day of the new school year and here is a photo of all the teachers, old and new, eager to get to their classes and to begin the 2023/24 school year- best of luck everyone!
August 2023
It’s holiday time so admin, repairs, and replenishing supplies take importance over teaching the children. Text books for Standard 6 ( the last year of primary) were sourced.
A really great infographic-based flyer and enrolment information form. This was produced for the residents of the village who would like their children to attend the Martin Academy.
Security of the school, its children and supplies are becoming more and more an area that needs to be addressed. Locks for the exterior doors were purchased and fitted.
One of the main areas which we need to maintain is the school’s desks. These are costly items and need to be kept in tip top condition. In addition the walls were redecorated and the blackboards resurfaced.
July 2023
A colourful picture of Dolla, the school director, with her assistant. This is at the beginning of the graduation ceremony and shows some pupils receiving their prizes and diplomas.
A lovely photo of the Martin Academy sponsored children together with their parents and carers
Best English speaker receiving her well earned gift from the graduation day’s guest of honour Mr Victor Nyanyaliwa.
Here’s a great picture of all of the school staff ( with the Director sitting on the floor! ) enjoying lunch at the end of the day’s proceedings.
June 2023
The bus that took the children and teachers on the eagerly awaited trip to Mulanje.
The schoolchildren enjoying their Malanje trip.
The hardworking and wonderful teachers at the Martin Academy with Dolla the school director. They kept the children safe and well during the Mulanje trip.
A selection of some of the well earned gifts to be awarded at the end of term educational prize-giving and school festivities.
May 2023
This is Thandie Zimtambira. We are very proud to welcome Thandie to the school. She will be teaching Standard 5 children.
Above is a lovely photo of our current sponsored children with their teachers and the school director- Dolla Blanzio
Here’s a photo of Dolla ( on the left) with the Chairperson of the committee representing the school’s sponsored children.
A meeting of Dolla with parents to update and discuss changes and positive up- coming upgrades at our school.
April 2023
Here we see the final delivery of the current 'Desk Project' They were delivered just in time for the opening of the school.
The latest recipients of school desks- Standard 3.
The government had decided that,since the cyclone, schools would not be allowed to open..
...until certain criteria for re-opening had been attained. This involved bridging newley formed storm rivers around the school..
...and closing gaps in the roof areas where rain could get in. This was successfuly achieved and the 'green light' given to re open !
March 2023- Deadly Cyclone hits Malawi
Cyclone Freddy hit Malawi. The storm is the worst ever in the southern hemisphere. We were quickly able to send a large donation to assist the villagers in Chiwembe where our school is situated.
These are volunteers from the school and associated church, distributing humanitarian aid to those in need locally. There has been a huge national and international aid effort.
Sadly, homes have been destroyed , communities are cut- off and there has been a huge loss of life. We are grateful the El Shaddai school is safe.
February 2023
School fully opened- Here's a picture of Standard 5 ( 10-11 year olds) Happy to be back in school. Their uniforms look so smart !
With new funding secured our desk project ( of eventually supplying desks for every year) continued..
We have an ongoing funding need for this project ( each desk costs £40)
Some of the children at their already supplied desks. Those in the previous photo will complete this class year complement of desks!
January 2023- Cholera outbreak
Just as the children were getting ready to return to school after the Christmas break, Cholera struck Malawi.
All schools had to remain closed until they had mains water laid on. With our supporters' help we managed to acheive this.
Within 3 days mains water was installed and our school reopened.
An incredible swift response to an awful event.
September 2022.
Visit by one of our major sponsors-
Dr Jean & Mrs Yvonne Dumas
Welcoming party at the airport
Dr Jean signing books
Assembly for the guests
Larger assembly !
Jean & Yvonne with El Shaddai director Dolla, and her two children
Youngsters question and answers
At church. With the Head teacher, Bishop Mcnevers.
Parents and children at graduation day
Dr & Mrs Dumas, Dolla and Mcnevers with graduate !
Beautiful, colourful graduates
Village Chief Chiwembe with the Dumas's at the unveiling of their commemorative plaque
Final photo shoot- Dr and Mrs Dumas, Chief Chiwembe and staff, School Director Dolla and the Headteacher McNevers. The end of a great visit, wonderfully arranged
August 2022
These are the sponsored children at the El Shaddai school. Due to the amazing generosity of our sponsors we now have 25 children whose lives are being nurtured by dedicated teachers & carers. Without you, sponsors, these children would not have such an education !
Here's a great picture, taken at the trip to Chileka airport. It shows the El Shaddai Director, Dolla. With her are the school's six teachers and Isaac the school cleaner. The Teachers are: Hope, Yohane, Pirirani, Joice, Felister and Anna. A fine team delivering first class education
On 19th August a selection of children, including those being sponsored, went by coach to Chileka airport. There are only 2 international airports in Malawi. The other is at Lilongue. It is such an adventurous outing for the children. They sang and danced throughout the visit!
June/July 2022
Work on the new block ( block 3) continues with the roofing being installed. Unfortunately material prices in Malawi have risen steeply recently.The Government there devalued the Kwacha by 25%
This is Mcnevers Blanzio. Not only is he Head Teacher of the El Shaddai school he is also a minister. In June we are delighted to tell you that he was ordained as a Bishop. Huge congratulations Mcnevers !
One of the final things to be done with any new building and to protect it from the elements is plastering-inside and out. Here you can see the plastering starting on the outside walls of the new block
May 2022
Most of the sponsored children, posing a group shot, in May 2022. The children are in excellent hands during school time. We encourage their parents or carers to support the children at home.
Construction has begun on the third school block. Because of the COVID 19 pandemic and the awful invasion by Russia into Ukraine we have found that matrrial costs have risen by over 20%. But we will endure !
The new, third block will eventually house two year groups. These will be year five ( the current year four) and the year after, 2023 it will be the classrooms Onfor years five and six. We thank everyone for making kind donations to our project
Here are some of the school children 'overseeing' the construction of the new school block. Over the course of June and July 2022 the roof timbers and coverings will be installed. The walls will be plastered and painted and the floors screeded
March/April 2022
This is some of tour sponsored students at the end of the Spring term in March.
The El Shaddai school is progessing brilliantly. These are some of the happy children at their new desks!
Here are the children at assembly on the first day of the new term in April.
As El Shaddai develops and grows, more teachers are needed. This is Pilirani the new std3 teacher..Welcome !!
Jan/Feb 2022
This is some of the Standard 4 students standing proudly behind their new desks.
We are pleased to say that we have now begun a fundraising campaign to equip the Standard 3 students with desks!
The El Shaddai school is rapidly taking shape and heading towards being one of the most successful projects in the village of Chiwembe and the surrounding areas.
Some of the classroom resources at the school. In the past Lynn and I have taken extra suitcases full of needed resources to the school. The pandemic stopped our visits but we hope that 2022/23 will see us, once again, going out to wonderful Malawi !
December 2021
During December the school was closed for the Christmas holidays. This was an ideal opportunity for the work to be completed on new toilet block
The new project for the start of the new term was the addition of new desks into the Standard 4 classrooms. Here you can see a picture of some of the "skeleton" desks before completion.
This was a shared project funded by the school and our sponsors. We are pleased to announce that the project has been fully funded.
November 2021
Friday 19th November was the end of the school year for El Shaddai. Here are some of the graduating students at El Shaddai, looking very smart in their caps & gowns.
The talented, hard working El Shaddai school Director, Dolla Blanzio seen here
announcing the names of the graduating students.
The equally talented and highly respected, School Head, McNevers Blanzio assisting his wife, Dolla, in congratulating the graduating students.
Some of the El Shaddai students pictured with the school staff. All have performed so well, during what has been a difficult year due to the global COVID pandemic.
October 2021
The children at El Shaddai school celebrating the birthday of Terry Martin and the naming of The Martin Academy in his honour and that of his wife Lynn as the founders, major patrons and sponsors.
The ever-progressing El Shaddai school. With two school blocks and new WC area completed we are looking forward to starting the building of block number three to be ready for the new intake next year.
Make a donation the school
Some of the hard -working staff at the school proudly standing behind the new Martin Academy signage.
May 2021
We had a meeting with the guardians of the sponsored children and we encourage them to care and support the children at home.
This is what they said
"We are very thankful to El Shaddai School, Lynn, Terry and all the sponsors for the great work you do to for our children as well as for us..
..We were having problems in paying school fees for the children due to family financial problems.
When our children were offered sponsorship for their schooling we were really happy ..and are still happy for that. May God bless you all and give you long and healthy life..Thank you"
The spring term at El Shaddai ended today May 7th. with celebrations.The term started with 154 children and 11 children left during the term for various reasons.
This left 143 children, all who sat for exams.
Overall , the exam results were encouraging:
131 children passed - 60 boys and 71 girls making a pass rate of 92%